Running a script through SQL Server Management Studio
This support note applies to:
- AO Practice Manager (NZ)
- AO Practice Manager (AU)
- AO Tax (AU)
- AO Tax (NZ)
- AO Statutory Reporter (NZ)
- AO Document Manager (NZ)
- AO Document Manager (AU)
- AE Practice Manager (NZ)
- AE Practice Manager (AU)
- AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
- AE Tax (AU)
- AE Tax (NZ)
- AE Tax Manager (NZ)
- AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
- AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
- AE Document Manager (NZ)
- AE Document Manager (AU)
- Workpapers (NZ)
You may need to run SQL scripts when requested by MYOB Support or required by another knowledge base article to update data within the MYOB SQL databases.
The following steps will show you how to run scripts using SQL Server 20xx where 20xx represents the version of SQL that you currently have installed/configured for MYOB.
- All users must be logged out of the MYOB AE/AO.
- You must be on the server where your database is located.
- You must backup your database prior to running scripts. See Backing up an SQL database using Management Studio on how to backup your database.
You can run a script either:
- from a file or
- manually typing the commands into SQL Management studio