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Error: "MDM 'Fail to setup connection to File store server.Server = <>, Port = 4001"

This support note applies to:

  • AO Document Manager (AU)
  • AO Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (AU)
Article ID: 33526

MYOB advises that the following error message "Error: MDM "Fail to setup connection to File store server.Server = <<servername>>, Port = 4001 Reason : No such host is known" may appear when saving a document into MYOB Document Manager (DM).

This error message occurs when the MYOB Services are not running or host names are incorrect after a migration.

The two services that must run at all times can both be checked on the server where the data file store resides.  These services are:

  • MYOB DMFS Service: and
  • MYOB Indexing Service:

The following instructions will guide you to checking that these services are running.

Checking the MYOB DMFS & Indexing Services

Perform the following instructions from the server where the data file is stored. 

If you do not know where your data file server is, refer to the Where is my File Store location? section below.

  1. At your Windows desktop, click Start and follow the menu path:
    Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
    The Services screen appears.
  2. If the Status column is blank for MYOB Indexing Service, right-click MYOB Indexing Service and select Start.
    The column displays the Start status for the MYOB Indexing Service.
  3. If the Status column is blank for MYOB DMFS Service, right-click MYOB DMFS Service and select Start.
    The column displays the Start status for the MYOB DMFS Service.
Where is my File Store location?

The following instructions will help you determine where your File Store Server is located.

  1. In MYOB Accountants Enterprise, follow the menu path: Maintenance > Documents > Document Manager Setup
  2. Select the File Store tab. The contents of the tab displays.
  3. Note the details contained in the File Store Server (the machine name where the File Store resides) and the File Store Location fields.

If the error persists, run the DMConfig.exe file. For further instructions,  refer to Error: "Return argument has an invalid type".

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.