In MYOB AE Reporter if you experience this error message on specific workstations when selecting Generate Reports it could be caused by an incorrect registry setting on the affected workstation. To fix this error you need to amend the GeneratorPreviewZoomLevel key through the Registry Editor on the affected machine.
If you experience this error on multiple workstations it could be caused by an incorrect default value in the Non Transaction Data. To rectify the error in this situation you need to remove the invalid default values.
This quite often occurs when you have entered dates as default values at Practice Level Non Transaction Data.
If you experience this error on just 1 ledger this can indicate a corruption in the client's Reporter file. To rectify the error in this situation you need to rename the client's .nrw file and allow Reporter to create a new file for the affected client.
To change the Generator Preview Zoom Level registry item
On the affected machine from the Windows Desktop, click Start and select Run. The Run command window opens.
Type in the command regedit and click OK. The Registry Editor window opens.
Navigate to the folder HKEY_Current_User\Software\Solution6\Reporter\Settings. The names of the string values for the folder Settings appear in the right hand pane of the Registry Editor window.
Right click on the string value GeneratorPreviewZoomLevel and select Modify. The Edit String window opens.
In the Value data field change the value to be 100% and click OK. The Registry Editor window appears.
Close the Registry Editor window. The Windows Desktop appears.
Click the Database Map tab. The design of the Non-Transaction data tables shows.
Expand the #EntityDetails folder and double-click the ClientDetails table. The design of this table opens in the right-hand pane.
Click on each of the following fields and remove the value showing in the Default field, then click Apply. YearStartDate; YearEndDate; PeriodStartDate; and PeriodEndDate. The data is removed.
Click Close. The Database Map is closed.
Click Close. The Report Designer is closed.
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