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Error: "The field 'MAFinYear.StartDate' cannot contain a null value because the required property for this field is set to True."

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 25479

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets, you may experience the following error when opening an assets ledger.

"The field 'MAFinYear.StartDate' cannot contain a Null value because the Required property for this field is set to True.
Enter a value in this field.
Last known position is: Run Verifications"

If the ledger is:

  • integrated with a MAS ledger, run the revise periods routine in MAS to resolve this error as per the steps below.
  • not integrated with a MAS ledger, Submitting a support request via the my.MYOB website and attach a backup copy of the ledger.
To revise periods in MAS
  1. From within the AE MAS ledger, from the Utilities menu, select Revise Periods.
  2. Click Year Structure. The Current Year Structure dialogue box appears. Note the details in the Maximum Periods and the Current Period Number fields. 

  3. Enter a different number into the Maximum Periods field and press Enter. The Maximum number of periods is changed. If you enter "1" in the Maximum Periods field, the focus moves to the Edit button. If any other figure is typed, the cursor moves to the Current Period Number field. 

  4. Click OK. The message "Maximum periods has changed. Must regenerate all period dates. Proceed?" appears.
  5. Click Yes. The Revise Periods routine proceeds and the Revise Periods screen appears.
  6. Click Execute. The message appears "Period details have changed. Balances to be recalculated. Proceed?"
  7. Click Yes. The Journal Entries dialogue box appears.

  8. Click OK. The Revise Periods routine proceeds and the MAS ledger appears.

  9. Repeat steps 1 to 8 and at step 3 change the period number back to the original period number noted at step 2.

The periods return back to the original number and you can then access the AE Assets ledger.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.