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Error: "You are trying to access a database which is not a Viztopia integrated Compliance database" when accessing Compliance Applications

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 24003

When accessing Compliance Applications in MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE), you may receive the error "You are trying to access a database which is not a Viztopia integrated Compliance database" after a server migration or upgrade of AE Tax.

This is generally caused by:

  • the Profiles to Practice Manager module has not been selected when re-licensing the software
  • Contacts or Client Compliance workstation install has not been performed on the new workstation
  • an incorrect entry in the compliance database directory
If you have recently upgraded or installed AE Practice Manager

If you experience this error after re-licensing your software, the Profiles to Practice Manager module may not have been selected.

This means that you may need to re-license the software. Perform the following steps on your Server (or standalone)

  1. Follow the menu path:Start > All Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > System Release Tools > Registration. The Register MYOB Products window appears.
  2. Click the Add or remove products button. The Add or remove products screen appears.
  3. Select Profiles to Practice Manager Integration in the Legacy Products window, and click OK. The products are selected.
  4. Click Register. The Register window appears.
  5. Contact us for licensing, and obtain a new registration code.

    Please note down the serial number from the registration screen, as this in order to issue you with an updated registration code.

If you have recently added a new workstation
If you are trying to access Client Compliance on a new workstation from Practice Manager, the Client Compliance workstation install must have been performed on the new workstation before you can open the software successfully. For information on how to run the workstation install for Client Compliance, refer to Running a Contacts or Client Compliance workstation setup

If you continue to experience this issue, contact us and quote KB 24003.



This issue (if not a licensing issue) is caused by:

  1. A product setting missing in the config table of the Database Directory (CDS.DIR). This which usually occurs after an AETAX upgrade, where the last database upgraded is not one that is integrated with AE Practice Manager. This table subsequently loses the setting that tells the compliance databases that it is integrated with AE Practice Manager.
  2. Details missing in the module.ini file.

To resolve this issue you will need to edit the config table to remove the incorrect entry.

To Check the Config table in the CDS.DIR
  1. From the Windows desktop, follow the menu path: Start > Programs > Solution6 > DataSafe. The DataSafe Utilities window appears.
  2. Click Support Tools. The Solution6 Database Utilities window appears
  3. From the Other Utilities section, select the following from the drop-down menus provided:

    Utility: Dbed - Edit Database
    Database: Database Directory (CDS.DIR)
    Client: No client (Practice file)
    Copy: Home
    Arguments: -t~

  4. Click Run Now. The MS DOS window appears.
  5. At the command line, type s config and press ENTER on the keyboard. The contents of the config table display.

The config table in the CDS.DIR file of the current year Compliance Database should contain the line 0~VIZ~ and NOT contain the line 0~HVZ~.

The 0 at the start of the line in the config table represents the group number. When additing the VIZ entry substitute the appropriate group number or letter where required.

The group number can be found within the ceedata.ini file under the C:\Windows directory on a workstation, or under the Windows directory in the user's profile on a terminal server. The ceedata.ini file will display the line Group=X where X is the group number

To remove the HVZ entry from the Config table

Please skip this section if the HVZ entry was not found when displaying the contents of the config table in the previous section.

  1. In the command line, type d config with product(hvz) and press ENTER. Another prompt appears.
  2. In the command line, type s config and press ENTER. The contents of the config table will display.
  3. Check that the line 0~HVZ~ does not exist in the config table.
Adding the VIZ entry to the config table
  1. In the command line, type u config and press ENTER. A blank line appears.
  2. Type 0~VIZ~ and press ENTER. (note if the group is 1, type 1~VIZ~) Another blank line appears.
  3. Type . (full stop) and press ENTER. A prompt appears in the next line.
  4. In the command line, type s config and press ENTER. The contents of the config table will display.
  5. Check that the line 0~VIZ~ now exists in the config table.
  6. In the command line, type q and press ENTER. The MS DOS screen closes.
Correcting the module.ini
  1. Open the configuration file module.ini in Notepad. The contents of the module.ini file appears.

    The module.ini file can be found in the installed location of the software. For example, S:\MYOB\bin

  2. Confirm and add, if missing, the following lines under the [Installation] section:
    AeTaxCurrentYear=2017 (or whatever the current year is)
    Where: S:\data\ceedata\ is the database location. This is the same as the CHOME location in the user's ceedata.ini found in C:\Windows of the workstation(S) experiencing the problem.
  3. Confirm and modify, if incorrect, that the entries under [Database Mappings] section of the module.ini for this database does not contain a UNC path.
  4. Confirm and modify, if incorrect, that the entries under the database section (e.g. [DB_1]) of the module.ini for this database does not contain a UNC path for the line Dir=.
Modifying the Sol6ContactPath settings

There is an issue with a new entry that is added in the module.ini - VizIntegrated=1. You will need to make a change in the AE Framework (Practice Manager) to resolve this issue.

  1. In MYOB AE, follow the menu path Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration. The Configuration window opens.
  2. Locate the Key name Sol6ContactPath and add -useDbSection DB_n at the end of the line and press ENTER, where DB_n is the number of the integrated database in the Module.ini file that has the value of VizIntegrated=1. For example S:\MYOB\bin\contacts.exe -useDbSection DB_1
  3. Click OK. The Configuration window closes.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.