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Exporting tax returns using System Release

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 32682

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Tax you may be required to export and email a tax return for further investigation. 

To export and email the tax return (2008 and later)
  1. From MYOB System Services open the appropriate tax year. The Select return window opens.
  2. Highight the tax return you want to export.
  3. Click the Export Returns link from the Functions menu in the Task bar. Alternatively, from the Utilities menu, select Export Returns. The ExportReturns window opens.

    If the Enter Master Password window displays, type your password and press ENTER. The default password is ASSERT.
  4. Select the Send as email attachment option. The checkbox is selected.

    The Export Return Details, Export tax tracking history and Batch fields by default are already selected.  Leave these fields selected.
  5. Click OK. The Export batch window opens.
  6. Ensure the correct tax return is highlighted then click Select. A green tick appears next to the return.

    For multiple return exports, repeat step 6 until all the returns that you want to export are selected.
  7. Click OK. The Export Returns window opens.

    The Export Returns window only displays if there are already 'export' file located in the SOL64\TA\SOL63\EXPORT directory.  If this file does not exist, a new email window opens with the attached 'export' file.
  8. Click Overwrite. A new email window opens with the attached 'export' file.
    To email the export files to MYOB Support type in the email address and if you have a Service Request number provided by MYOB Support, include this number in the Subject line.
    If the email is created in an email program that you do not use, you need to adjust the Default E-mail program setting in Set Program Access and Defaults option in the Add or Remove Programs window in Control Panel.

    Follow the path:  Start > control panel. Select Add or Remove Programs. Select Set Program Access and Defaults. Select Custom, and select the correct email program.
    In future when you perform the procedure above, the email will be created in the email program that you selected. If your email program does not appear in the E-mail program drop-down list, you will need to manually create an email and attach the 'export' and 'export.cds' files from your SOL64\TA\SOL63\EXPORT folder.
  9. The tax return appears with a padlock next to the name of the client. The return is locked and it prevents users editing the tax return.
    For more details to unlock the tax return, refer to Locking/unlocking returns using System Release
To export the return (2007 and prior)
  1. Open MYOB System Services open the appropriate tax year. The Select return window opens.  

     The following steps are for the 2007 and prior years. For 2008 and future years refer to article Exporting tax returns using System Release
  2. Click Export Returns in the Tasks panel. The Prepare Export for window opens.

     If the Enter Master Password window appears, type your password and press ENTER. The default master password is ASSERT.
  3. Click Hdisk. The Export Returns window opens.
  4. Ensure that the Export Return Details, Export Tax Tracking History and Batch fields have been selected then click OK. The Export batch window opens.

     If the Export Return Details, Export Tax Tracking History and Batch fields are already selected leave these fields selected.
  5. Highlight the required return and click Select. A tick displays next to the return.

     For multiple return exports repeat step 5 until all the returns you want to export are selected.
  6. Click OK. The Export Returns window opens.

     The Export Returns window only displays if there are already 'export' and 'export.cds' files located in the SOL64\TA\SOL63\EXPORT directory.
  7. Click Overwrite. You are returned to the Select return window. You have successfully exported the return/s to the hard disk.

     The 'export' and 'export.cds' files are located in the SOL64\TA\SOL63\EXPORT directory.

    After exporting a return, the item in the Select return list has a padlock against the name of the client preventing you from editing the tax return. 

To access the locked return
  1. Highlight the locked return and click Lock/Unlock Return in the Tasks panel. The Lock/Unlock Returns window opens.
  2. Accept the default settings of Single Return and Unlock and click OK. The padlock is removed and the tax return is no longer locked. 
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