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Finding a missing document in Document Manager

This support note applies to:

  • AO Document Manager (AU)
  • AO Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (AU)
Article ID: 38031

In MYOB Document Manager you may find that you can not find a particular document for a client.

This Knowledge Base article provides some helpful checks to assist in you locating a missing document.

There are two possible reasons why you are unable to find a document.  They are:

  1. Secured document or
  2. Deleted document

Secured document

If you do not have access to see the document based on a Filing Cabinet Security, then it will not appear.
To identify if this is the case, you will need a user to login that has System Administrator rights to search for the document.  If the document appears, check the filing cabinet that it has been saved against. 

You may need to change the Filing Cabinet or adjust the filing cabinet security so others can see the document.

For more information on Document Security, please refer to Document security

Deleted Document

Deleted document

To check if the document has been deleted, you will need a System Administrator to perform the following steps: 

  1. Click the drop-down arrow under the Document icon and select My Documents.
    The My Outstanding Documents window appears. 
  2. Highlight the page heading and right click and select All Recently Used Documents.
    The All Recently Used Documents displays.
  3. Deselect all tick boxes under the Audit Trail options, except for Trashed.
    All Trashed documents appear.
  4. Change the number No. Documents to 10000 and Refresh icon (blue arrow circle).
    You will now see all the deleted documents.
  5. Click Reference No. column heading to sort by reference and locate your document.
    If the document has been deleted and you need to un-delete it, then continue with the following steps.
  6. Tick the document and at the bottom of the screen click the Restore from Trashbin icon (green backwards arrow) to undelete.
    The deleted document is now restored.


For information on Deleted Documents, pleaser refer to the following MYOB Online Help Centre topic: Deleting documents 

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