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Importing BankLink data into AO Classic General Ledger

MYOB BankLink has been shut down 

To continue receiving bank feeds, move to an MYOB Business solution. Find out how to move. 

If you’ve given a client access to their file so they can download historical data, they need to install MYOB BankLink Books (available from the MYOB product downloads page). 

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
Article ID: 30118

You can now import both coded and uncoded transactions into Accountants Office from BankLink for review before they are posted to an Accountants Office General Ledger.

To run the latest version of Accountants Office and BankLink

  1. In BankLink, from the Other Functions menu, select Accounting Systems. The Maintain Accounting Systems window is displayed.
  2. Select MYOB Accountants Office from the System Used field. Accountants Office is highlighted.
  3. Click the browse button beside the Load Chart from field. The Select a Ledger window appears.
  4. Select the Accountants Office General Ledger to import the transactions from the Select Ledger list and click Select. The Maintain Accounting Systems window is displayed with your selections.
  5. Click the Check BankLink ID to map the BankLink client ID to the General Ledger client ID in Accountants Office. A message appears informing you that the clients IDs have been mapped.
  6. Click OK. The confirmation message is closed.
  7. Click OK to accept these default settings for this BankLink client. The Maintain Accounting Systems window is closed.

    You can now export your transactions from BankLink. These transactions can be either coded or uncoded.
To set up a Bank Account in General Ledger

To import bank transactions in General Ledger, ensure that you have a bank account with the correct bank account number set up in the Bank Account Maintenance window. Follow steps below to activate these settings.

  1. From within your clients' General Ledger, select the General Ledger menu and click Options. The Ledger Configuration window is displayed

  2. Click the check box next to Use 'Bank Reconciliation' facility? A tick is placed in the check box

    If a tick already exists in this box, do not click it again, as this will remove the setting.
  3. Select Ask each time from the Type of Data Entry field, and click OK. The Ledger Configuration window is closed and your general ledger settings are updated.
  4. Select the General Ledger menu and click Bank Account Maintenance. The Bank Account Maintenance window is displayed.

    If you click the Bank Transactions tab, then click the Bank Accounts button, you can also enter the Bank Account Maintenance window.
  5. Press F4 to add a new bank account. The Add a Bank Account window is displayed.

  6. Enter the General Ledger account number you want to link, for example 680, and press TAB. The Actual Account type field is highlighted.

  7. Enter the account number in the Actual Account number field and press TAB. The cursor moves to the Opening Balance field.

  8. Enter an opening balance if relevant and click OK. The Add a Bank Account window is closed.

To view the imported transactions in Accountants Office

Once you have exported the transactions from BankLink, open your General Ledger client in Accountants Office.

  1. Click the Bank Transactions tab in the General Ledger window. The Bank Transactions tab is displayed.

    You can also access this window from the Tools menu, select Client Accounting and click Bank Transactions. Selecting Bank Transactions in this manner will only allow access to Bank Transactions features.
  2. Click Code transactions. The Coding Options window is displayed.

  3. Select your bank account from the Select Bank Account field. Your bank account is highlighted and the account number is listed.

  4. Click OK. The Code Imported Transactions window appears listing the transactions sent from BankLink.

These transactions can be reviewed and posted to the General Ledger. For further help on how to use the Code Imported Transactions window, press F1.


If a message appears indicating that there are 0 transactions available for this bank account, this can indicate that the mapping of Client IDs in BankLink is incorrect, or the bank account number entered in the Bank Account maintenance window is incorrect.

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