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Importing transactions from AccountRight into AE Accounts ledgers

This support note applies to:

  • AE Accounts (AU)
Article ID: 30668

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Accounts (AE Accounts) you can import transactions from AccountRight into AE Accounts.

The following is information regarding the process of exporting transactions from AccountRight and subsequently importing these transactions into an MYOB AE Accounts ledger.

To export MYOB Business product transactions
  1. In your MYOB business management product for example Premier, follow the menu path: File > Accountantlink > Others > Send to MYOB AE Accounts. The Export File screen appears with the nominated export file format set to Ceedata format.
  2. Select the appropriate source journal type for example general, sales, disbursements, all, etc and enter the date range required. The information is entered.
  3. Enter the appropriate date range required.  This could be a period or a financial year. The date range is established.

    In your MYOB business management product, only current and future year transactions can be exported.  To check the current financial year on your company data file, prior to the export, select Setup > Company Information and note the current financial year field.
  4. Click Export. The Save As screen appears with the default name of the file being CEEDATA.TFR.
  5. Select an appropriate file name and location to which you are able to save the exported information to. MYOB recommends that you take note of this information and organize exported files appropriately relevant to a client folder to facilitate locating appropriate files more readily. The export file is now ready to be imported into MYOB AE Accounts.

    Make a backup of your MYOB AE Accounts ledger. For details refer to Backing up ledgers and creating work files in AE Accounts
To import transactions
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