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Indexing documents in Document Manager

This support note applies to:

  • AO Document Manager (AU)
  • AO Classic Document Manager (AU)
  • AO Classic Document Manager (NZ)
  • AO Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (AU)
Article ID: 23096

In MYOB Document Manager (DM) we recommend performing a re-index or re-build on the indexes of your Document Manager file store, specifically if you are experiencing errors finding documents or, if documents do not appear via the Find Document search and/or the Client's Documents tab and these same documents do appear under the Analyse Documents search.

We recommend running a re-index prior to upgrading to Document Manager 5.4.26 as this version relies on the index to display all documents on the client's Documents tab.

If reindexing after upgrading to 5.4.26, do not use the new Reindex Document Search option on the client Documents tab during the indexing process as this can cause unexpected results in the newly created index. This may result in needing to re-index again.

As re-indexing can take some time and can impact server performance, the following process explains how to build a new index in batches without affecting the existing index.

Re-indexing one million documents can take up to one week so the instructions below also detail how to identify the number of documents you have, and test how your server performance is likely to be affected. This will help you make a decision about which re-indexing option to use at step 11.

We strongly suggest Document Manager indexing is performed and managed by an individual with strong knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

To re-index Document Manager, you'll need to know the name of your File Store server. We'll walk you through finding this name in Task 1 below. Once you know the name of your File Store server, move on to Task 2 to run the Document Manager indexing routine.

1. Check the location of your File Store server
  1. Log into Document Manager as a DM Administrator.
  2. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Documents > Document Manager Setup > File Store tab.
  3. Note down the name of your File Store server.
2. Re-index Document Manager by running the indexing routine

Log into the File Store server as a Windows Administrator, then perform the following instructions:

  1. From the desktop of your File Store server, follow the menu path: Start > All Programs > MYOB > Document Manager Indexing. The MYOB Document Manager - Document Indexing window appears.
  2. Click the Diagnostics - Status tab and enter the name of your SQL Server and DM Database.

    Your SQL Server and DM Database name can be found when logging into AE/AO in the Database field. For example:

  3. Tick Windows Authentication or enter SA into the User Name field along with the SQL Administration password in the Password field.

  4. Check the number of documents you have by looking at the Current Index in the results window.

  5. Note the location of the Toggle index folder then navigate to this folder using Windows File Explorer. For example,Toggle index path: C:\MYOB\Data\DMFS_AEDB1\index2

  6. Take a backup of the Toggle index folder then delete the contents.

    This folder must be deleted. If the Toggle index folder is not deleted the routine builds on the existing files in the folder and you won't get a fresh new index.

  7. Within the MYOB Document Manager - Document Indexing window, click the Index Documents tab and enter the SQL Server and DM Database names. This is the SQL Server and DM Database noted in step 2 above.

  8. Select Windows Authentication or enter the SQL username SA and SQL administration password.

  9. Select the Batch Index option.

    If you select Index All, you need to manually delete the contents of your current index folder for the new index to be created. We no longer recommend this process as you won't have a working index during the reindex process and, the Find Document function won't work.
  10. Test your server performance as follows. This will help you determine which re-indexing option to use in step 11.

    1. Enter 1000 in the number of documents to be indexed this time field and click Start.
    2. In Task Manager review CPU usage on the server. If the KMindexer.exe process forces the overall CPU usage consistently over 70%, we recommend running this routine after hours in small batches. For example, 10,000 documents per night.
    3. Based on findings in Step 10, choose option 1 or 2 from the table below:

      OptionIf you experience...follow the steps:
      Option 1

      No performance issues on CPU

      1. In the Index Documents tab, select Batch index and enter 1000000 into the Number of documents to be indexed this time field.
      2. Select Change the current index directory if the last document is indexed.
      3. If you have more than one million documents, you'll need to do a second batch using the instructions above once the routine has finished.
      Option 2CPU utilisation is consistently more than 70% during the test process

      We recommend running this routine after hours in small batches.

      When you're ready to perform the index:

      1. In the Index Documents tab, select Batch index and enter 10000 into the Number of documents to be indexed this time field.
      2. Select Change the current index directory if the last document is indexed.

      When the indexing process is finished a message appears saying that it's complete. To start the next batch, enter 10000 into the Number of documents to be indexed this time field and click Start.


For both options, when all documents are indexed, the new index replaces the existing one, providing Change the current index directory if the last document is indexed was selected. You'll receive a message in the index output box such as Set the current index to 'C:\myob\data\dmfs\index2 or similar. The index number will change when the full re indexing is completed. For example:



FAQs and Troubleshooting the Document Manager Re-indexing routine

Q1. The Document Manager Index screen hangs and/or windows says the application is not responding.

The indexing screen may appear to hang after a few hours, which is normal. This is because the process is still running in the background. When the batch is complete the screen returns to normal. If you are concerned the index has stopped, browse to the Toggle Index folder noted down in Step 6 of Task 2 via Windows Explorer. When reviewing the contents of the folder, you should see at least one file updated in the last two minutes.

Q2. What happens if I close the DM indexing screen/end the KMindexer.exe process?

You can close the Document Manager batch indexing screen or end the kmindexer.exe process at any time. This will not damage the index you are creating.

When you reopen the Document Manager indexing wizard and select Diagnostic status > Check, if the current index name is the name of Toggle folder that was deleted, then the indexing routine has finished.

If this is not the case, click on Index Document > Batch. The system reviews the toggle index folder and continues indexing from the last document indexed.

Q3. I'm getting the message "File may be empty" on the indexing output screen. What does this mean?

You can ignore this message. This appears when the document to be index doesn't contain any content or, in the case of some PDF files, contents are stored as an image and not words.

Q4. I'm getting the error: "No filter registered for .pdf files" when running the Document Manager Indexing routine.

If you're performing the index on a 64-bit server, you'll need to download and install the Adobe PDF iFilter version 9, on your server. This will ensure that the program indexes PDF file content correctly. Instructions on how to download and install this filter, is available in Error: "No filter registered for .pdf files" when running MYOB Document Manager Indexing on a 64 Bit Server.

Q5. Will I lose my document reference numbers by reindexing?

Not at all! The routine won't make any changes to reference numbers or documents.

Q6. I have 3 index folders, does that mean I need to reindex 3 times?

You'll still only need to reindex once. You're only required to rebuild the index in the Toggle index. The process in this article creates a new index in the toggle index folder and when the batch process is finished this toggle index folder becomes the current index folder. At this point in time the system also takes a backup of the toggle index folder and places this in Index3. Backup Index3 can be used as a restore point in the future if required.


If you get an error with AcroRd32.dll run ifilter60.exe. The default location is listed below but may differ as per your configuration.

C:\MYOB\Knowledge Management\Document Manager\Server\Utility\Ifilter\ifilter60.exe.

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