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Linking a new client in MYOB AO Classic and MYOB AO

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AO Classic Tax (AU)
Article ID: 34668

In MYOB Accountants Office Classic (MYOB AO Classic) and MYOB Accountants Office (MYOB AO), you may need to create a new client in both products which then requires them to be linked.  

A new client in MYOB AO Classic is only required when a taxpayer has outstanding lodgments for 2009 and prior year tax returns. If the taxpayer has outstanding returns from 2010 onwards, these tax returns can be prepared and lodged using MYOB AO.

If a new client is created in MYOB AO Classic, please ensure that the AO Classic Client ID used matches the Client Code in MYOB AO. This enables the link between MYOB AO Classic and MYOB AO which will allow you to access MYOB AO Classic tax returns via the MYOB AO Tax Returns tab and retain scheduled data during the roll over process.


Creating a client

Ensure that the Client Code you use in MYOB AO will be the Client ID entered into AO Classic.
MYOB AO Classic

 Creating a new tax client in Accountants Office Classic Tax

Ensure that the Client ID used is the same as the Client Code used in MYOB AO.
MYOB AO and MYOB AO Classic
Link MYOB AO and MYOB AO Classic Clients
  1. In MYOB AO, open the client and select the client's Tax Return tab. The Tax Return tab window appears.
  2. Click Link to AO Classic Client. The Link Client to AO Classic window appears.

    The client will automatically be highlighted based on the client selected.

  3. Click Link. The MYOB AO Classic icon appears next to returns that are available to be accessed from MYOB AO.
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