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Moving to the latest version of AE Client Documents tab

This support note applies to:

  • AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
  • AE Workpapers (AU)
  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax (NZ)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 37409

In MYOB Accountant Enterprise (AE) you have the option to use Windows Explorer view to store and manage your client, contact and supplier documents.

The Window Explorer view is only available if you do not have Document Manager.

This option is configured as a practice-wide setting and it enables users to specify a document folder for each client, contact and supplier. 

Documents are managed within the specified Documents tab using the standard Window features such as drag and drop, cut, copy and paste.

The Window Explorer style view does not enable you to store an additional data relating to the individual documents, such as a description.

If Windows Explorer view is selected in your practice

A default documents directory is set for each existing client and contact, based on the Document Startup Path and Client/Contact Algorithm currently defined for your practice.

This includes closed clients.


  • If your existing document storage location per client is not based on the Document Startup Path and Client/Contact Algorithm, a link to that folder will be created as part of this process.
  • You can later choose to modify the default folder for each client, contact or supplier individually.
  • The Documents tab displays a Windows Explorer view of the selected documents for each client, contact or supplier.
  • Shortcuts are created under the default directory for any documents that are currently listed on the Documents tab but are not located within the default directory.
  • All document descriptions are lost.
  • You will not be able to add documents to assignments.

Example:  The Client Documents Tab with the Windows Explorer view

This option allows the Practice to publish documents directly from AE Client Documents tab to a client MYOB Portal.

Example:  The Client Documents Tab without the Windows Explorer view


Please contact us and quote KB 37409 before running the routine to review and discuss the changes and any cleanup that may be required after the fact.
We estimate this review will take approx. 20–30 mins.

Review the following topics:

To change to the Windows Explorer view
Changing to the Windows Explorer view is not reversible. Switching back to the 'Create links to individual documents' option will not restore the individual document links that previously existed. Instead it will display a single folder link to the documents folder of the client/contact. Please make sure you have a back-up of your database before running this routine.

Perform the following steps in AE.

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Documents > Document Storage Settings. The Document storage settings window appears.
  2. Select Specify a documents folder for each client radio button and click Next. The Confirm your selection window appears.
  3. Click OK.
To change the documents folder for a client

Perform the following steps in AE.

  1. Open the client record that you wish to change the documents folder. The client record opens.
  2. Click the Documents tab. The Documents tab contents appears.
  3. Click Change documents folders option from the Tasks panel. The browser window appears.
  4. Browse to the new location of the documents and click OK.
To modify the documents paths

When you create a new client, contact or supplier the default Document Folder path is based on the AE configuration of your Practice settings.

To modify the documents path for the Practice, review the following three configurations:


Document Path

To modify the Document Path, complete the following steps.

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Documents > Mail Settings. The Mailing Settings tab appears.
  2. Select the [...] ellipse button against the Document Startup Path and select a new location. The Document Startup Path is now updated.

    Changes to the Document Startup Path will not affect existing clients and their document folders. The changes will only apply to new clients.
  3. Click OK to save the changes. 

Templates Path

To modify the Templates Path, complete the following steps:

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Documents > Mailing Settings. The Mailing Settings tab appears.
  2. Select the [...] ellipse button against the Templates Path and select a new location. The Templates Path is now updated.
  3. Click OK to save the changes.

Client\Contact Algorithm

To modify the Client\Contact Algorithm path, complete the following steps:

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Documents > Document Creation Settings. The Document Creation tab appears.
  2. Enter a new value in the Contact Algorithm and Client Algorithm fields.

    Changes to the Client or Contact Algorithm will not affect existing clients and their document folders. The changes will only apply to new clients.

  3. Click OK to save the changes.


Please direct phone calls on this issue to Kym Alexander.

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