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No Report, S/O and Reverse buttons visible on Bills tab

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 33560

In AE Practice Manager (AE PM) when in the Bills tab, there may be instances where the Report, S/O and Reverse buttons do not display under the Full Billing History.

To resolve, ensure your Display Properties are set to Smaller - 100% (default).

If you are running AE Practice Manager (AE PM) version 5.x and above ensure your Unicode settings on the workstation are set to English (Australia) or English (New Zealand). 

To check your Display Properties

  • Press Windows key + R. The Run window opens.
  • Type Display. The Control Panel > Display window opens.
  • Change the setting to Smaller - 100% (default) and click Apply.

You may need to reboot your workstation for the change to take effect.

To check Unicode settings

Select Control Panel > Region > Administrative tab > Language for non-Unicode programs > Change system Locale... button.

The system may prompt you for a restart of the workstation.



Windows 7 - Display Properties _ Right-click on your Windows desktop and select Personalize > Display. Change  the setting to Smaller - 100% (default) and click Apply

 Win 7 - Unicode - Select Control Panel > Regional and Language > Administrative tab > Language for non-Unicode programs > Change system Locale... button.

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