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Performing a silent EPRESET

This support note applies to:

  • AE System Release (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 34846

If you need to run an EPRESET in Accountants Enterprise, you can run this command silently to clear all users and objects without prompting.

The EPRESET routine resets all internal counters within the system data file, DS6OP010. As a precaution, we recommend backing up this file prior to executing the EPRESET command just in case the routine fails to complete.

Before you begin, you will need to know where your MYOB program files are located. If you're not sure of the location AE has been installed to, Finding the SOL64 or Tax directory can help you locate this directory. The X:\ drive is used as an example throughout this article.

To create a backup of the DS6OP010 file
  1. Right-click on the Windows Start menu and select Run. Alternatively, you can also press the Windows key + R on your keyboard.
  2. In the Open field, type X:\SOL64, where X:\ is the drive location of System Release.
  3. Right click on DS6OP010 and select Copy.
  4. From the Edit menu, select Paste.

The "Copy of DS6OP010" file is created in the X:\SOL64 directory.

To run the silent EPRESET routine
  1. Right-click on the Windows Start menu and select Run. Alternatively, you can also press the Windows key + R on your keyboard.

  2. In the Open field, type X:\SOL64\SR EPRESET /silent where X: is the drive location of System Release.

    EPRESET must be in UPPERCASE and you must have a space between SR and EPRESET, as well as a space between EPRESET and /silent.

The System Services Reset routine runs silently, updating the user database and resetting the item count. Once the routine is completed, you are returned to the Windows desktop. All users can now safely log back in to System Release.

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