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Preparing my practice to use MYOB Logins

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax (NZ)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 36738

In MYOB AE/AO users will now be required to access MYOB using their MYOB Login details. 

This Knowledge Base Article will assist in preparing your Practice to use the online MYOB Login details in a 5 simple step process.

A full backup of all your databases needs to be done before proceeding with these instructions.

The simple 5‐step process

The 5 step process is to be completed in the following order:

How to configure your Practice my.MYOB Settings

To configure your Practice Settings you must enter an MYOB Login that has administrator access to the practice's my.MYOB account.

MYOB advises that this login should be the email address where clients are instructed to send all AccountRight Live invitations to.

Where the practice_name is the name of your practice. 

These instructions are as follows:

  1. Open MYOB AE or AO and follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Online > Practice my.MYOB settings. The Practice my.MYOB Settings window opens.
  2. Enter details for the Login, Password and MYOB client code and click OK. The login details are added.

    The details of the user you enter here, needs to be a person who is an Administrator when accessing the my.MYOB website.
How to identify the employees that have or not have an MYOB Login

The following instructions will assist in identifying whether an MYOB Login exists for each employee.

  1. Access the Find Employees page, ensure the 'Include inactive employees' checkbox is not selected and click Search to display all your current employees.
  2. Right click on the list to access the Field Chooser window.  Select the my.MYOB logins option, then drag and drop this field into the column heading row of your Employee list.

The Employee list now displays all of your current employees and their associated MYOB Login details. As all employees are required to have a MYOB Login and it is recommended that you configure each employees MYOB Login details.

Configuring your employees MYOB Login details

Within the Employee list you will need to access the Edit my.MYOB Details window to either edit or create a new MYOB Login.  This is accessed by double clicking on the employee which opens the Main tab.  Then select the Edit my.MYOB details option from the Tasks panel.

The following screen appears:

  • Option 1:  This employee has a my.MYOB login
    Where the employee has an MYOB Login but it does not appear in your Employee list, enter these details to link automatically to your practice's my.MYOB account.

    If an employee already has their MYOB Login details linked in AE/AO no further action is required for this employee.

  • Option 2:  I would like to create a my.MYOB login for this employee
    If your employee does not have an MYOB Login, you can create a login by entering their email address and this will be linked automatically to your practice's my.MYOB account.
    The employee will receive an email containing a link to a web page that will help them set up their password for their my.MYOB account.  Passwords will need to be at least 8 characters long and contain both letters and numbers, this password will not expire.

    Creating an MYOB Login from within MYOB AE/AO does not provide access to the my.MYOB website.  For details on how to update their access and the benefits in accessing this website, refer to Updating my employees rights in my.MYOB

    Once you have completed either Option 1 or 2, click OK.  This saves the employee's MYOB Login details and you return to the employees' record.  Click OK again to return to the Employee list.

    An employee's MYOB Login must be unique within each MYOB database. You cannot have two employees with the same MYOB Login in the same database. 

    If an employee is required to access two different databases within the same practice (i.e. the MYOB login screen provides the choice of which database to access from the drop down list), the employee can use the same MYOB Login details for each database.

How to review your Task Permissions

In MYOB AE/AO from version 5.4.6, the function allowing your employees to create their own MYOB Logins is automatically activated.

If you want to deactivate this option, perform the following instructions from within MYOB AE/AO:

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Security > Task Permissions. The Maintenance - Task Permissions tab displays.
    AO Users:  The menu path you will follow is Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Security > Task Permissions.
  2. In the Product field select Central and in the Group field select the relevant security group. The Group Descriptions are displayed.
  3. Click the + symbol to expand the Employee selection. The contents of this selection is displayed.
  4. Locate the permission description #Employee #Edit my.MYOB details and click the checkbox in the Allow column until the tick disappears. The tick is removed from the checkbox.
  5. Click OK. The Maintenance - Task Permissions tab is saved and closed.

When the employee logs back into MYOB, the task permissions for this process will have been modified and they will not be able to set up their own MYOB Login.

How to notify your employees of the change in accessing MYOB AE/AO

MYOB recommends that you inform all employees of the new method in accessing MYOB AE/AO This will now require all employees to use their MYOB Login details.

In addition, advise that if an employee didn't previously have an MYOB Login, they will receive a separate email advising them to set up a password.

How to "Activate my.MYOB logins" for your practice

Once you have prepared your practice, it is important to note that when you activate the MYOB Logins, there is no option to use the old login method.

To active the MYOB Logins, perform the following instructions within MYOB.

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Maps > Online > Activate my.MYOB logins. The Activate my.MYOB Logins - Step 1 window opens.
  2. Select the Activate my.MYOB logins checkbox and click Next. The Activate my.MYOB Logins - Step 2 window opens.

    As you have configured each employee in "Step 2: Identify employees that have or do not have a my.MYOB login", no employees should display in this screen. However, if there are employees displayed you can add their MYOB Login details in this window.
  3. Click Next. The Activate my.MYOB Logins - Step 3 window opens.
  4. Click Finish. You have activated the MYOB Logins for your practice.
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