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Re-configuring AE Assets (AST) ledgers into System Release

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 25620

When you reconfigure System Release, this process restores all available ledgers in the data directory, for example \S6client. 
These ledgers then appear on the System Release ledger list with the exception of MYOB AE Assets (AST) ledgers.

To restore access to AE Assets ledger through System Release you need to manually create each AST item again and link it to the existing data.

For further information on loading ledgers onto the ledger list refer to the On-Line help in System Services by pressing F1 under Ledger Maintenance > How to create new ledgers.

For more details regarding the reconfiguration process refer to Re-configuring AE Assets (AST) ledgers into System Release

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