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Rebuilding a service in MYOB Administration Centre

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)

Article ID: 35032

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

There can be times when you experience integration issues between Profiles, Tax and Practice Manager whereby information does not flow correctly. This is controlled by the MYOB Administration Centre (Admin Centre) which may need to be rebuilt.

If you have already rebuilt the Admin Centre as per Rebuilding MYOB Administration Centre, continue on with this article.

If one or more of Admin Centre's services are corrupted, integration will not work as intended.

For example: You may encounter an error "1072: The specified service has been marked for deletion" when starting or stopping an Admin Centre service.

This indicates that an attempt to delete the service has not yet complete, usually resulting from rebuilding the Admin Centre.  For the duration of this process, ensure that admin centre and the background post process are closed before proceeding.

Before you begin, you must be logged into the server console with an administrator account.

To reinstall a specific Admin Centre services
  1. Ensure the services.msc window is closed on the server.

    1. To be certain, start Task Manager and go to the Processes tab

    2. Ensure mmc.exe is not running - if it is, highlight the process and hit End Process.  

    3. If the process does not close, go to the File menu and choose New Task (Run...) and type cmd to open the command prompt, then enter in the following command:
      taskkill /F /IM mmc.exe
      This will forcefully close any running processes with the image name of mmc.exe (the services window).

  2. Keep the command prompt window open, or start it if you have not already, and type the following:
    cd C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727

  3. At this point, you need to uninstall the service(s) that will not start or stop. Run the relevant command(s) from the below list:
    Installutil.exe /u "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\MyobDataOrchestrator.exe"
    Installutil.exe /u "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\ProfilesPublisher.exe"
    Installutil.exe /u "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\ProfilesSubscriber.exe"
    Installutil.exe /u "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\AeTaxPublisher.exe"
    Installutil.exe /u "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\AeTaxSubscriber.exe"
    Installutil.exe /u "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\ViztopiaPublisher.exe"
    Installutil.exe /u "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\ViztopiaSubscriber.exe"

  4. Review the output text to ensure the 1072 error has not occured again. If the error persists, you need to run the following command(s) to manually delete the relevant service(s) in question from the below list:
    sc delete Orchestrator
    sc delete ProfilesPublisher
    sc delete ProfilesSubscriber
    sc delete AeTaxPublisher
    sc delete AeTaxSubscriber
    sc delete ViztopiaPublisher
    sc delete ViztopiaSubscriber

  5. You should see a message confirming the removal of the service. Following the removal of the service, you need to reinstall it. Run the relevant command(s) from the below list:
    Installutil.exe "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\MyobDataOrchestrator.exe"
    Installutil.exe "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\ProfilesPublisher.exe"
    Installutil.exe "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\ProfilesSubscriber.exe"
    Installutil.exe "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\AeTaxPublisher.exe"
    Installutil.exe "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\AeTaxSubscriber.exe"
    Installutil.exe "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\ViztopiaPublisher.exe"
    Installutil.exe "C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre\ViztopiaSubscriber.exe"

  6. Close the command window and open up the Services window from either Start > Run > services.msc or Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  7. Ensure the relevant services have recreated and can be stopped and started

  8. You can now open up Admin Centre, ensure no errors are occuring and all services are running, and also start the background process. Your integration will now be functioning correctly.

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