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Rebuilding MYOB Administration Centre

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 34081


A rebuild of MYOB Administration Centre may be needed when certain errors occur or when advised by MYOB Support.

Before you start

  • Make sure all users are out of the system
  • Ensure you have a reliable backup
  • Perform the following instructions on the SQL server
To rebuild Admin Centre without Practice Manager
  1. Navigate to one of the following directories and locate the MSyncConfig.xml file:

    32-bit serverC:\Program Files\myob\admincentre\common
    64-bit serversC:\Program files (x86)\myob\admincentre\common
  2. Rename this file to MSyncConfig.xml.old or MSyncConfig.xml.old* where * = a number.
  3. Navigate to BIN folder and run the AETaxConfigUpdate.exe file.

    This is where your Datasafe icon target path points to. If your not sure, Right click on Datasafe and select Properties.
  4. Once the installation finishes open the MYOB Administration Centre and highlight Profiles to AE Tax stream.

  5. Click Data mapping and ensure all applicable Client addresses are mapped in the Profiles column to an appropriate address in AE Tax column.
    Example:  BUSINESS to BUSINESS, HOME to HOME etc.

  6. Click Save and then click No to the prompt about updating the affected data categories.
  7. Highlight the Profiles to AE Tax stream and click Action > Profiles to AETax tasks > Start background process.
To rebuild Admin Centre with Practice Manager
  1. Navigate to one of the following directories and locate the MSyncConfig.xml file.

    32-bit serverC:\Program Files\myob\admincentre\common
    64-bit serversC:\Program files (x86)\myob\admincentre\common
  2. Rename this file to MSyncConfig.xml.old or MSyncConfig.xml.old* where * = a number.
  3. Go back to the admincentre folder and run the MSyncIntegration.exe file.
  4. Once installation finishes open the MYOB Administration Centre and highlight the Viztopia to AE Tax stream.
  5. Click Data mapping and ensure all applicable Client addresses are mapped in the Viztopia column to an appropriate address in AE Tax column.
    Example:  BUSINESS to BUSINESS, HOME to HOME etc.

  6. Click Save and then click No to the prompt about updating the affected data categories.
  7. Highlight the Viztopia to AE Tax stream and click Action > Viztopia to AETax tasks > Start background process.


If this fails to resolve your error, you may need to run through Migration plan H. Using the latest compliance release installer, press Browse Folder in the bottom right, then navigate to the AETax_Migration folder and review page 20 onwards of the Migration_Utility.pdf included within.

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