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Reintegrating the Accountants Enterprise tax ledgers when not using Accountants Enterprise Practice Manager

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (NZ)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 32688

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise if details do not appear correctly in either the Tax Tracking System (TTS) records or the Tax Return System (TRS) records the integration between Central Database (CDS), TTS and/or TRS requires reintegration.

You can easily reintegrate the Tax Ledgers by performing the following steps.

Before you begin

It is important you are aware of your system setup. Prior to clearing and re-establishing any integration settings MYOB recommends that you note the existing integration ledgers and descriptions for each setting.

Perform the following steps from System Release as a level 6 user. Ensure all other users are logged out during this process. If there are users stuck in the system, perform an EPRESET. For more details refer to Performing an EPRESET in Accountants Enterprise.

Refreshing the integration

To refresh the integration in the E-File system
  1. Open the E-File system and follow the menu path Utilities > Control record > Integration. The Integration window opens.
  2. Note the ledgers and description set for integration then click Clear. The settings are cleared.
  3. Click on each ledger button. The Select Folder window opens.
  4. Select the relevant folder and select the relevant ledger for each integration setting and click OK. The integration ledgers are updated for the E-File system.
To refresh the integration in the Tax Tracking system
  1. Open the Tax Tracking system and follow the menu path Utilities > Control record > Integration. The Integration window opens.
  2. Delete the word DATABASE and retype DATABASE then click OK. The integration ledger is updated.
To refresh the integration in the Tax Return system
  1. Open the Tax Return system and follow the menu path Utilities > Control record > Integration. The Integration window opens.
  2. Note the ledgers and description set for integration then click Clear. The settings are cleared.
  3. Click on each ledger button. The Select Folder window opens.
  4. Select the relevant folder and select the relevant ledger for each integration setting and click OK. The integration ledgers are updated for the Tax Return system.

    Perform this process for each year's Tax Return system.
To refresh the integration in the Central Database system
  1. Open Central Database and follow the menu path Utilities > Control record > Integration. The Integration window opens.
  2. Click the [...] ellipses button on the Ledger field for Tax. A list of ledgers appears.
  3. Select the correct TAXFILE ledger then click OK. The Tax integration ledger is updated.

    Close System Release then reopen System Release as this refreshes the updated integration information.

    If your issue persists, please contact us or submit a support request on the website.

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