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Replicating the Reporter Master Formats presentation

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 27779



MYOB Master Formats presentation in MYOB Accountants Enterprise Reporter

Normal Text
  • Font style: Arial
  • Font size: 10
  • Left aligned
  • Wrapped and with Automatically adjust row height to fit text within cell if width is beyond column width.
Title Text
  • Font style: Arial
  • Font size: 12
  • Bold
  • Left aligned.
Column Headings
  • Font style: Arial
  • Font size: 10
  • Bold
  • Centre aligned.
Sub Heading Text
  • Font style: Arial
  • Font size: 10.
  • Display zero as dash including total and subtotal
  • Expected sign is always established
  • Display negative with bracket, no red indicator
  • Display numerical with comma separator for thousands
  • With 2 decimal places
  • Currency displayed in column heading but not in each individual numerical cell
  • No border around cell apart from underlines
  • No pattern, apart from Comment
  • No colour
  • Right aligned.
TotalSingle overline and double underline.


Single overline and single underline.


  • Left aligned
  • Bold.
Page Layout
  • Total column width is 17 cm
  • Numerical columns are 3 cm
  • Bookmark column is 1.3 cm
  • Blank column between Current Year and Previous Year columns is 0.5 cm
  • Text column width is the balance to make the 17 cm total.
  • Font style: Arial
  • Font size: 10
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Left aligned
  • Blue pattern.
Report Names

Main Job stream: [Entity] [Size] [Disclosure Level].

For example Company Large Reporting.

The word Report doesn't meet the naming convention.

Format Names
  • Description of format with the first character of each word in capital letter, apart from words eg. and of. E.g. Accounting Policy Note 1 Cash
  • No dash in the name unless for Page Header, Page Footer or Named range. E.g. Page Header - Audit Report, Named range - Calculated Balances or Named range - text.
  • SUM(C1:C5)
  • SUM(C1,C2,C5)
  • SUM(C1)
  • SUM(C3:C5)-C1 - SUM appears first in the formula
  • SUM(C3:C5, C7:C10).

The formula C1+C5 for the first example could also be used with the same result but the above formulae have been used in the Solution 6 Masters.

Row Height0.56cm except for in between paragraphs of text, which are 0.23.
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