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Resetting the lodgment history of a tax return or form in AE Tax Series 6 & 8

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 28923

You need to reset the lodgment history whenever a form appears as not lodged, ie the fields are not locked, and there is no validation or transmission report but upon completion, the system warns you that the form is lodged.
Also, you may need to reset the lodgement history if the Return lodged via field in the Return Properties is greyed out.  If the return or form is not lodged but the status says lodged or if you cannot edit the return or form after clicking the Edit completed form icon.

To reset the lodgment history
Ensure you take a backup of Accountants Enterprise (AE) Tax prior to performing these steps. For more details, refer to Performing a Datasafe backup
  1. Follow the menu path: Start > Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Datasafe. The Datasafe Utilities window appears.
  2. Click Support Tools. The MYOB Database Utilities window appears.
  3. From the Utility drop-down list, select Reset lodgment history. Reset lodgement history appears in the Utility field.
  4. Click Run Now. The Reset History window appears.
  5. Type the tax year in the Tax Year field and then click OK. The Delete Lodgment History window appears.
  6. Highlight the return or form for which you want to delete the lodgement history and then click Delete. The message "Delete lodgment history for..." appears.
  7. Click Yes. The history is deleted and the return no longer appears.
  8. Click Close. The MYOB Database Utilities window appears.
  9. Click Close. The Datasafe Utilities window appears.
  10. Click OK. The Windows Desktop appears and the lodgement history of the return or form is deleted and you can now re-complete the return.

MYOB Internal Notes:

Prior to 6.29/8.13

1.Back up AE Tax. AE Tax is backed up. Note: For more details, refer to 29312 How do I back up AE Tax using Datasafe?
2.Within any current year's AE Tax return, from the Help menu, select About. The About Tax window appears.
3.Click Application details. The Tax Application Details window appears.
4.Make a note of the Database location, for example, S6:\\<server name>\MSSQL\AETAX1, where: <server name> is the name of the server to where AE Tax has been installed. The Database location is noted.
5.Close AE Tax. The Windows Desktop appears.
6.At the Windows Desktop, right-click the Start button and select Explore. Windows Explorer starts. 7.Navigate to and open your SOL64 folder. For example, S:\SOL64. The contents of the folder appear. Note: If you need to determine the location of your SOL64 folder, refer to 13457 How do I determine my SOL64 folder if I use Contacts to access AE Tax?
8.Double-click the sr.exe file. The Login Gateway window appears.
9.Type SUPERVIS in the User code field and S6 in the Password field and then click OK. The Folders window appears. Note: If the Folders window does not appear, click the Administration link on the Navigation Bar; then the Folders link.
10.Highlight the folder Location that matches the Database location noted at step 3. For example, S6:\\<server name>\MSSQL\AETAX1 and press ENTER. A list of ledgers appears.
11.Right-click the current tax year's ledger, for example, AE Tax 2006, and select Properties. The Item properties window appears.
12.Click the Options tab. The details of this tab appear.
13.In the Command field type /s and then click OK. The list of ledgers appears.
14.Highlight the current tax year's ledger, for example, AE Tax 2006 and then press ENTER. The message "These routines should only be run under the supervision of support" appears.
15.Click OK. A shortcut menu appears. Note: If the Enter Master Password window appears, type your password and press ENTER. The default master password is ASSERT. Alternatively, you can use the daily password available from HEAT > AutoTask > Internet Resources > Daily Passwords.
16.Click 5. Other Utilities. Another shortcut menu appears.
17.Click 9. Reset lodgment history. The Delete Lodgment History window appears.
18.Highlight the return or form for which you want to delete the lodgement history and then click Delete. The message "Delete lodgement history for..." appears.
19.Click Yes. The history is deleted and the return no longer appears.
20.Click Cancel. The list of ledgers appears.
21.Right-click the current tax year's ledger, for example, AE Tax 2006, and select Properties. The Item properties window appears.
22.Click the Options tab. The details of this tab appear.
23.Delete the '/s' in the Command field and then click OK. The list of ledgers appears.
24.From the File menu, select Exit. The Windows Desktop appears. The lodgement history of the return or form is deleted and you can now re-complete the return.


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