This support note applies to:
- Timecost (AU)
- Profiles (AU)
Article ID: 31812
In MYOB Contacts running the Check Now Utility before a backup checks and ensures the integrity of the database. The system verifies that your databases are structurally sound and free from errors.
For practices with MYOB Accountants Enterprise Tax (AE Tax) this procedure should be run from the server where your SQL database resides.
The Check Now utility will stop the services in the MYOB Administration Centre, then automatically restart the services once the utility has completed. If these services are not stopped, the Check Now utility cannot successfully run due to locked databases.
All users must exit all MYOB AE modules, and integrity must be shutdown prior to running this routine. Refer to
Running Application Finder to help determine whether any users have MYOB AE applications running
To run the Check Now utility
Follow the menu path: Start > All Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > DataSafe. The DataSafe Utilities screen appears.
For users on terminal server, ensure the Current Database that displays at the top of the DataSafeUtilities screen is the database that is experiencing the error.
- Click Check Now. The Database Check screen appears.
Select the checkbox Also check and repair the referential integrity of the application schema and click OK. Once complete, the prompt "No errors were found in your database" appears.
This routine should take no longer than five minutes. If a file is locked on the server, the check now routine appears to hang on that file, for example 000000.css. If check now appears hung, you may need to reboot your server to unlock the file.
- Click OK. The Check Database Paths screen appears.
- Click Update. The Updating embedded database paths screen appears. Once complete, the prompt "No errors were found in your database" appears.
- Click OK.