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Setting up BPAY option in Invoices

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 39073

You can setup BPAY option in your invoices in 2 ways. Either by

  1. Signing up to the MYOB M-Powered services or
  2. Adding an extra BPAY field in MYOB AE

Signing up to use M-Powered services

This option will make things easy for you! The M-Powered services will automatically add  the BPAY and barcodes to the invoices when using the M-Powered  invoice template. You will receive a file with the payment information on a regular basis to import into your Practice Manager database.
If you need more information, contact your Client Manager or refer to

Adding an extra BPAY field in MYOB AE

Before you begin, you will need a unique identifier for each client. This information is provided by your financial institution. 
To add the extra field in Practice Manager
  1. Go to Maintenance > User Defined> Extra fields and create a new extra field called BPAY.
  2. Open a client record and in the Extra tab enter the unique reference number provided by your financial institution.
  3. You will need to edit the bill templates to insert the Extra Merge field called BPAY and update each client via the Extra tab and add the value to the BPAY field.
  4. To edit the templates refer to Creating and editing invoice/bill templates.
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