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Showing the client name and dates in report headings

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 21170

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Reporter, to see the details relating to the client name and dates, enter the relevant details into the Non-Transaction Data. The fields required are Client Name, Year Start Date and Year End Date and Period Start Date and Period End Date.

These values are not retrieved automatically from the General Ledger, therefore if the name of the ledger changes you need to make the change in the General Ledger, as well as within Non-Transactional Data.

To enter the client name and dates in Non-Transaction Data
  1. Open the MAS or AE Accounts ledger for your client and follow the menu path Reports > Reporter > Generate Reports.
  2. Click the Non-transaction data button on the top toolbar.

  3. In the #EntityDetails.ClientDetails table on the right-hand pane, click the relevant field and enter the data required. For details on each field provided at Master level, see the table below.

  4. Click Apply to save the changes.


Field Name

Intended Use


First line of the client name.


Second line of the client name.


Third line of the client name.


The client ABN/ACN or other identifying number.


The type of entity - i.e. Company or Association.


The disclosure level of the client - i.e. reporting or non-reporting.


Yes/No - provides audit report or compilation report and appropriate wording.


The start date of the financial year.


The end date of the financial year.


The size of the client - i.e. large, small or none in the case of an Association.


The start date of the financial period.

Note: This is required even if there is only 1 period and the period dates are identical to the year dates.


The end date of the financial period.

Note: This is required even if there is only 1 period and the period dates are identical to the year dates.


The state an Association was incorporated - ie not required for companies.


Yes/No - Enables appropriate information and wording for dormant companies.


Yes/No - Either includes or excludes the cover page from the financial reports.


Field Name

Intended Use


Yes/No - Will print the required information in the Audit report.


Yes/No - Will include or exclude the Cash Flow Statement in the financial report.


Yes/No - Determines if the Cash Flow Statement information is retrieved from the MAS chart of accounts or the Non-Transaction Data.


Specifies the category of Statement of Financial Performance to include in the financial report.


Yes/No - Determines if the Statement of Financial Performance information is retrieved from the MAS chart of accounts or the Non-Transaction Data.


Yes/No - For Non-Reporting entities determines if the Profit and Loss Statement is included instead of the Statement of Financial Performance.


Yes/No - For Non-Reporting entities determines if the Balance Sheet is included instead of the Statement of Financial Position.


Yes/No - Will include or exclude the Detailed Profit and Loss Statement in the financial report.


List - Indicates the required presentation used for the Profit and Loss Statement.


List - Indicates if a rental statement is required and if for a single or multiple properties.


List - Indicates if a livestock statement is required and if for a single or multiple categories.


List - Select from Ratio or 5 Year Trend reports.


Yes/No - Indicates if a divisional trading statement is required.


Text - Provides the opportunity to specify the name for the divisional trading statement to be shown on the contents page.


Text - Provides the opportunity to specify the name of an additional report to be shown on the contents page.


Text - Provides the opportunity to specify the name of an additional report to be shown on the contents page.

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