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Stat Reporter: No data in property plant and equipment reports

This support note applies to:

  • AO Assets Live (NZ)
  • AE Assets Live (NZ)
  • AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
Article ID: 49546360

In MYOB Statutory reporter, the following reports prints blank pages:

  • Schedule of Property plant and equipment and
  • Taxation of schedule of property, plant and equipment.

in Assets live, the report prints correctly when you print from Reports > Tax schedule.

We're aware of this issue and working on a solution. Until then, use the workaround.


To get the report data
  1. On your workstation, go to Control Panel and select Date and Time.
  2. Select Change date and time and then Change calendar settings. The Customize Format window appears.

    If you are in the Region window, select Additional Settings to open the Customize Format window

  3. Go to the Time tab and make sure:
    • AM symbol is formatted as AM (not A.M.)
    • PM symbol is formatted as PM (not P.M.).


Insert PR# 174080547942


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