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Tax 2020: Multi rental property issues (Individual returns only)

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
  • AO Tax (AU)
Article ID: 52700805

We've identified some issues with the multi rental property schedule in a 2020 individual tax return. We're looking into these issues for a permanent fix.

Calculation/Estimate issues


Rental share between 3 owners issue.

When the rental property is shared between 3 owners, the Share of net rent total is incorrect.
For example, when ownership % is 33.33%, the net rent value is incorrect for each owner.
Create a separate schedule for each owner and enter the values of their share manually.
Rental share rounding issue

When the rental income is shared between 2 owners, the Share of net rent total is incorrect.
For example, if the Total net rent is $198, it should show $99 in the Share of net rent label, but it shows $97.

Make adjustments to individual expenses to get the correct value in the Share of net rent totals.
Issue with the rental schedule when shared between non-individual tax return and an individual tax return.

When the rental income is shared from a non-individual tax return (trusts or partnerships) into an individual tax return, the net rent in the non-individual return is blank. The net rent is correct in the individual tax return.

To fix the issue:

  1. Enter any number in the share % field. For example, 50.
  2. Click Share.
  3. In the Name field, enter the name of the owner sharing this rental income.
  4. Enter a number in the share % field.
  5. Click Share.

PLS rejections

Error numberDescriptionSolution
Your share of other rental related income is incorrect

This error occurs if the total net rent is incorrect if you have an amount in any of the fields below:

  • Rental bond money retained
  • Insurance compensation for lost rent
  • Letting or booking fees received
  • Assessable balancing adjustment
  • Tenant's contribution to repairs and maintenance
  • Assessable amounts related to limited recourse debt arrangements
  • Government rebates for energy saving hot water system.
Enter the total of all amounts in the Other rental related income label instead of entering values in each of the labels individually.
Gross rent must equal the sum of all Rental income and Other rental income.

This error occurs if the total net rent is incorrect if you have an amount in any of the fields below:

  • Rental bond money retained
  • Insurance compensation for lost rent
  • Letting or booking fees received
  • Assessable balancing adjustment
  • Tenant's contribution to repairs and maintenance
  • Assessable amounts related to limited recourse debt arrangements
  • Government rebates for energy saving hot water system.

Any amounts in these labels are not adding to the Rents received amount, therefore Gross rent total is incorrect.

Enter the total of all amounts in the Other rental related income label instead of entering values in each of the labels individually.


Body corporate fees not printing correctlyIf you've used the dissection grid for the Body corporate fees label, the amount does not print correctly.Edit the amounts manually in the print preview.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.