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Tax 2024 issues

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (AU)

  • AO Tax (AU)

Article ID: 177897514

This page is a reference for all 2024 issues that are outstanding or resolved in an update. We'll keep adding issues to this page as they're found.



Ref no

On the Activity Statement Obligations (ASO) homepage, when you open an activity statement that is prefilled from the ATO and in a Ready to Prefill status, it gets linked to the 2024 tax return as a generic schedule instead of the 2023 return.

Note: Once you’ve updated to 2024.0, you’ll no longer be able to create new activity statements from within the 2024 tax return.

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.
Install the Tax 2024.0a KB224821282 hotfix (Australia) to resolve the issue.

In Tax 2024, when a depreciation asset is part of the small business pool, the threshold is applied to Date Purchased instead of Date first used/held ready.

If the Date Purchased is prior to 1st July 2023 and the Date first used/held ready is 1st July 2023 or later, and the amount is greater than $1000 and less than $30000, the amount is written off incorrectly.

We’re aware of this issue and working on a fix.

Update 6 August

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.

Go to my.myob to download and install Tax 2024.0b KB253689907 hotfix (Australia)


PAYG instalments fields missing

When you go to Preparation > GST/PAYG profile, the 2023 Q4 option is missing.

We’re aware of this issue and working on a fix.

In the meantime, as a workaround manually calculate the total of PAYG instalments, and enter it in Return properties.


Update 6 August

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.

Go to my.myob to download and install Tax 2024.0b KB253689907 hotfix (Australia)


PHI Rebate and MLS surcharge estimate incorrect

In a 2024 individual tax return, the estimate is incorrect if you claim private health insurance and the Medicare levy surcharge applies to the income threshold.

We’re aware of this issue and are working on a solution.

Update 6 August

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.

Go to my.myob to download and install Tax 2024.0b KB253689907 hotfix (Australia)


Motor vehicle Expenses (MVE) schedule

OWDV incorrect for MVE asset with purchase cost

When rolling over from 2023 to 2024, in a MVE schedule if the purchase cost is more than DCL ($48556), the OWDV is incorrect.


SMSF 2024

Trust income schedule labels not integrating to main return

When you complete a Trust Income schedule, Label U (Franked distributions) does not integrate to Item 11 Gross Trust Distribution Label M in the Income tab.

Update 6 August

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.

Go to my.myob to download and install Tax 2024.0b KB253689907 hotfix (Australia)


Printing issues

Printing ATO pdf copy

When printing ATO PDF copy of the 2024 Partnership tax return, you may see the error No Pdfs found to process using master file: C:\Users\ADMINI~1.EDN\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MM\Fax_Temp\FAXMST.INI

This error occurs when printing an ATO PDF copy of a 2024 partnership tax return.

2024 Company return

Consolidated group losses schedule not printing

When printing ATO PDF copy of 2024 Company Tax Return, ue : Consolidated group losses schedule 2024 is not printing.


Depreciation worksheet total incorrectly printing when there is private use %

When printing the Depreciation schedule that has a private %, the group total incorrectly includes the private % amount


Depreciation worksheet values not printing when there is asset group 2.

Depreciation worksheet does not display when the asset belongs to asset group 2:

  • Original cost,

  • Private use % ,

  • Opening values with private use


Depreciation method displays incorrectly

If the date first used is 30/06/2024, the depreciation method shows Diminishing value incorrectly but the depreciation value is correct. This is only a display issue.


Validation/PLS errors


Type of trust must be a 'deceased estate' - code '059'

This is an ATO known issue and they have advised that it will be resolved on 16 September 2024.

2024 Trust tax return


Assessable balancing adjustments

This issue occurs if you have an amount at Item 14 -Assessable balancing adjustments.

We currently don't have a workaround, contact support for a fix.



Type of trust must not be a 'deceased estate' - code '059'

This is an ATO known issue and they have advised that it will be resolved on 16 September 2024.

Trust income schedule


Gross Distribution from trusts indicator required where gross distribution trusts amount is present

This error occurs in the Trust income schedule, where there are Franked distributions and Franking credit amounts and nothing in the Primary production or Non-primary production income.

Update 6 August

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.

Go to my.myob to download and install Tax 2024.0b KB253689907 hotfix (Australia)


2024 Trust tax return

Closing stock must be provided when values are present in either Trade Debtors, Trade Creditors, Unpaid present entitlement or Closing stock code

CMN.ATO.TRT.433084 - Net small business income is incorrect

This error occurs if you have an amount at any of the items below but the closing stock is null. Enter 0 at Closing stock to fix the error.

  • Item 42 - Trader Debtors,

  • Item 43 - Trade Creditors,

  • Item 47 - Unpaid present entitlement.

We’ll implement an F3 validation check in the next release if the Closing Stock label has no value.

Update 6 August

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.

Go to my.myob to download and install Tax 2024.0b KB253689907 hotfix (Australia)



This error occurs if when the trust has no income to distribute or is a loss.

Update 6 August

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.

Go to my.myob to download and install Tax 2024.0b KB253689907 hotfix (Australia)


2024 Trust tax return



This error occurs if you have amounts in any of the labels below but not answered Item 50 D Did you recalculate the effective life for any of your assets this income year? picklist field must be provided

  • Item 50E Total adjustable values at end of income year

  • Item 50F Assessable balancing adjustments on the disposal of intangible depreciating assets

  • Item 50G Deductible balancing adjustments on the disposal of intangible depreciating assets

  • Item 50H Termination value of intangible depreciating assets

  • Item 50I Termination value of other depreciating assets

  • Item 50J Deduction for project pool

  • Item 50K Section 40-880 deduction

  • Item 50L Landcare operations and deduction for decline in value of water facility, fencing asset and fodder storage.

We’ll implement an F3 validation check in the next release if the Item 50 D Did you recalculate the effective life for any of your assets this income year? picklist field must be provided is not answered.

Update 6 August

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.

Go to my.myob to download and install Tax 2024.0b KB253689907 hotfix (Australia)


Distributions from Partnership schedule

CMN.ATO.GEN.XML03 - A Field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date filed)

This error occurs if you’ve completed the mandatory fields in Distributions from Partnership schedule. Enter 0 in the following fields to fix the error.

  • Share of net fin. investment

  • Share of net rental income or loss

  • Partnership non PP deductions included at 13Y relating to financial investment amounts

  • Partnership non Pp deductions included at 13Y relating to rental property amounts.

Update 6 August

We’ve fixed this issue in a hotfix release.

Go to my.myob to download and install Tax 2024.0b KB253689907 hotfix (Australia)

ATO prefill

Individual 2024 return

ATO prefill is incorrect when there are Australian Goverment allowances amount.

When prefilling Australian Government allowances and payments for jobseeker payments from ATO, the amounts are prefilling only one payment into Australian Govement amounts (aga) schedule.

We’re aware of this issue and working on a solution.

In the meantime, check the prefill report and enter the amounts manually.


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.