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The document link could not be opened

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 35369

The error 'The document link cannot be opened' can appear when trying to open documents saved to the Documents tab of the client. Other related errors that you may see when previewing a bill or when performing a Mail Merge are: 'The bill document style is not valid' and the 'Template path does not exist'

To resolve this error please check the following:

  • Go to Maintenance > Documents > Mailing Settings and note the location specified as the Document Startup Path as well as the Templates Path.
  • Open Windows Explorer and check that you have access to the Document Startup Path location if the error was 'The document link cannot be opened'.
  • If the error was 'Template path does not exist', check you have access to the Templates Path location.
  • If the error is 'The bills document style is not valid', refer to KB28839 - Error: "The bill's document style is not valid" when previewing a bill
If the Document Startup Path is blank, go to Maintenance > Documents > Document Creation Settings and check that you have access to the location specified for the Client Algorithm.

If you do have access to the location specified and you have recently upgraded to AE 5.4, refer to - Enabling Linked Connections in Windows


PR # 12682780424

This happens in 5.4 as the program now runs with Administrator rights.  If the drives were mapped at user level they aren't recognised inside AE.  To resolve this run the registry update detailed in Kb 35152: Enabling Linked Connections in Windows

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.