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Transferring Tax agent/Contact to an AE Tax Return or Form

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
Article ID: 29194

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Tax, if the Tax form is missing tax agent or tax contact details, you will receive a V17 error when you attempt to complete the form.

This error occurs if the Partner or Tax Contact selected for the client has not transferred across to the AE Tax form, or if the Tax Agent or Tax Contact is missing information.

The following scenario's will help in resolving this situation. 

Check Tax Agent (Partner) and Tax contact associated with the contact


 Tax agent is linked to the Partner and if the Tax agent is missing or incorrect in the form, the Partner integration needs to be refreshed. 
Check Tax agent and Tax contact details are correct
  1. Open the AE Tax return, from the Maintenance menu select Agents. The Agents window appears.
  2. Highlight the agent that is associated with the return or form and click Properties. The Agent Properties window appears.
  3. Make sure there is a phone number and address entered for the tax agent and then click OK. The Agents window appears.
  4. Click Close. The tax return appears.
  5. From the Utilities menu, select Control Record. The Control Record screen appears.
  6. Make sure the General and Names tabs are completely filled in and click OK. The tax return appears.
  7. From the Maintenance menu, select Contacts. The Contacts window appears.
  8. Highlight the contact that is associated with the return or form and click Properties. The Contact Properties window appears.
  9. Ensure the Default from Control Record option is NOT selected. Ensure a phone number is entered for the contact and then click OK. The changes are saved. 
If you use..Do this ..
Accountants Enterprise (AE)Open the client from your client list. The client's details appear.
  • Click the Responsibility tab. The details of this tab appear.
  • Check the Partner field.  Make sure there is a partner selected for this client. If the partner is already set correctly, change the partner, press F5 to refresh and change the field back to the correct partner. The Partner field is refreshed.
  • Click the Extra tab. The details of this tab appear.
  • Check the Tax Contact field.  Make sure there is a tax contact selected for this client. If the tax contact is already set correctly, change the tax contact, press F5 to refresh and change the field back to the correct tax contact. The Tax contact field is refreshed.
  • Verify an agent is correctly associated with the partner.  To do this, follow the menu path: Start > Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Compliance Management. The Compliance Management window appears.
  • From the Configure menu, select Assign agent to partner. The list of partners appears.
  • Check that the tax agent linked to the partner is correct. If it is not, set the tax agent and click OK to save. The agent is updated.
AE Series 6/8

Check Integration is running. For details refer to Checking, restarting and stopping Admin Centre services and background processes

Open the contact and click the Attributes tab. The attributes of the contact appear.

  1. Check the PARTNER field.  Make sure there is a partner selected for this client. If the partner is already set correctly, change the partner to none, press F5 to refresh and then change the field back to the correct partner. The PARTNER field is refreshed.
  2. Check the Tax Contact field and ensure there is a tax contact selected for this client. If the tax contact is already set correctly, change the tax contact to none, press F5 to refresh and then change the field back to the correct tax contact. The Tax Contact field is refreshed.
  3. Verify an agent is correctly associated with the partner. To do this, follow the menu path: Start > Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Employees. The Employees window appears.
  4. Highlight the partner and press Enter. The partner details appear.
  5. Check that the tax agent linked to the partner is correct. If not, set the tax agent and click OK to save. The agent details are updated.

If the above doesn't work, try the following.

Refresh Tax Agent (Partner) and Tax contact details via Contact Profile

  1. Open the affected Tax form and from the Preparation menu, select Contact Profile. The Contacts window appears with Contact Profile of the selected client.

  2. Click the Attributes tab. Contents of Attributes tab appears

  3. Search for Tax Contact. Tax contact\Partner is displayed as correct tax contact code.

  4. Change the tax contact from correct Tax Contact code to None and press tab. Next field is highlighted. Note: For Tax Agent, change the Partner from the correct Partner code to None and press tab.

  5. Close out of contact profile and open the return.

  6. Open contacts profile, select attributes, and select the required partner.
  7. Close and reopen the tax return. 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.