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Address Select Client Details

Accountants Enterprise only

This list includes addresses that relate to the selected contact or client such as the residential and business addresses.

The heading will be ‘Select details for Employee’ or ‘Select details for client’, depending on where the data entry is being performed. The selection list will include:

  • client contact numbers and identifying numbers for the client;

  • client addresses; or, employee names.

Buttons on the window are:

SelectDouble-click the required entry or click [Select] to transfer the information to the tax return. This information is maintained in the Framework, on the Client’s page Addresses tab and Extras tab or on the Employee’s page Main tab.
SelectDouble-click or click [Select] to transfer the highlighted address to the tax return.
PropertiesTo view the properties of the highlighted Addresses in the Address Book. The details may be modified within the Properties window.
NewTo add a new address, name or number to a contact. Select the type of item and the appropriate add window displays. Complete the required fields and press the OK button to save.
DeleteTo delete the highlighted item. The system will ask you to confirm your deletion.
UseProduces a report of the locations where the selected data has been used. Highlight the address you require information on. Click the Use button and the Print/Preview window displays. Select how you wish to display the report and press [Enter].
Shared dataThe two heads shared icon shows that an address is currently shared with another contact within your database. If the address is shared, select the Shared Data button to see which contact this item is shared with.
ApplySelect Apply to save the details being added to a contact without closing the process. That is if you select OK the window will close.
CancelTo exit without making a selection or making any changes to the list of addresses.
CancelTo exit without making a selection.
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