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Family Assistance Consent 2018 2018

Consent to use part, or all, of your current tax refund to repay your spouse's Family Assistance debt.

Only complete this section of the Individual return if:

  • The taxpayer's spouse was a family tax benefit (FTB) claimant or the recipient of a child care benefit claimant on 30 June of the current income year, and

  • The spouse has authorised the taxpayer to quote their customer reference number on the taxpayer's return, and

  • The spouse has a debt due to the FAO or expects to have an FAO debt for the current income year, and

  • The taxpayer expects to receive a tax refund for the current income year, and

  • The taxpayer consents to using part, or all, of their tax refund to repay the Family Assistance debt.

If one part of the consenter's details is entered, all of customer reference number, gender code, family name and date of birth must be entered at the Spouse Details item.

CCH References

2-133 Means-tested family assistance

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