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Income tax returns 2018 2018

These help pages describe the processes for preparing income tax returns and supporting schedules and worksheets in MYOB Tax.

Tax rates for 2018

For the latest rates and tax tables, see the ATO website.

Return data entry

Each return has a set of tab cards denoting the items that are contained under each tab. For example, Income, Deductions, Tax Offsets, etc.

How do I open a help topic

  • Click [F1] directly from an item in the return to open a help topic. The item specific help content previously provided at each item has been replaced with a link to the ATO PDF instructions on the website.
  • For individual returns, help specific to the item will open on the ATO website.
  • The CCH Australian Master Tax Guide references are for information purposes only and no direct link to the CCH online help is provided.
  • Links are provided for each return type, with information on:
    • Schedules and worksheets lodged as attachments with the return

    • Schedules and worksheets that are not lodged with the return

    • Forms applicable to the type of return

    • Functions applicable to the type of return.

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