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How to Edit Template MLS

Accountants Enterprise only

Menu Level Security can be applied to an application template or a specific ledger. When MLS is attached to a specific ledger, it overrides any template level MLS settings.

To access Template menu level security (MLS)
  1. Click Manage > Templates. The Template Maintenance window opens.

  2. Click Properties. The Template Properties window opens.

  3. Click the MLS button. In the Template Menu Level Security window, you can add, modify or delete MLS options for the selected template.

    The MLS table is essentially a text editor application. When the MLS window opens, the menu bar changes to provide options for editing text. You are able to change font, format text and import MLS codes for the selected application. You can then edit the displayed security levels to set up the required menu level security.

  4. Click OK to save your changes and exit this window.

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