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How to Move a Ledger

Accountants Enterprise only

You are able to move ledgers from one folder to another. This is useful where your folder structure has changed, new partners have joined or left your practice or for any other housekeeping reason.

The destination (target) folder must contains the correct program to operate the ledger you are trying to move. Otherwise the message Menu not on file displays when loading the ledger.

To move a ledger shortcut
  1. In the Ledgers window, highlight the ledger shortcut you want to move.

  2. Right click on the ledger shortcut and click Move to open the Ledger Move Wizard.

  3. Click [Next] to open the Confirm Operation window.

  4. Click Just move the shortcut and click Next to open the Select destination folder window.

    The target folder cannot be the same as the source folder.

  5. Highlight the target folder and click Next to open the Completing the Ledger Move Wizard window.

  6. Click Finish to complete the moving the ledger shortcut.

To move a ledger item
  1. In the Folders window, highlight the ledger you want to move.

  2. Right click on the ledger and select Move to open the Ledger Move Wizard.

  3. Click [Next] to open the Select source ledgers window.

  4. From the Ledgers chosen section, select whether to move:

    • the selected ledger,

    • related ledgers

    • all ledgers in the folder or

    • custom.

  5. Click Next to open the Select destination folder window.

  6. Highlight the target folder and click Next to open the Completing the Ledger Move Wizard window.

  7. Click Finish to complete the moving the ledger. On completion, the ledger list displays.

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