Item 11 - Dividends 2018 2018 2018
Click this link for Item 11 - Dividend Income information on the ATO website.
This item is about dividends and distributions that were paid or credited to you by Australian companies that you had shares in.
Use the Gross Dividend worksheet (div) to record the individual transactions and then share some or all of them with a co-owner. These transactions may be entered in dollars and cents. Tax will total the entries and round them on integration to the relevant labels - Unfranked amount, Franked amount, Franking credit and TFN amounts withheld from dividends. Refer to Gross dividends worksheet (div) 2018 2018 2018.
From the Gross dividends worksheet (div) the Dividends deductions worksheet (ddd) can be opened.
Alternatively, you may use the Pre-fill report from the Tax Agent's Portal to complete this item. Doing so will avoid the necessity to share this income with another taxpayer as the Pre-fill report contains only the particular taxpayer's share of that income.
Click this link for Special circumstances and glossary information on Non-resident withholding tax on the ATO website.
Deductions relating to Dividend income must be entered at item D8 and if they are in excess of $4,999 the Interest and Dividend Deductions Schedule (BJ) must be completed and lodged with the return.
CCH References
4-100 Overview: Taxation of dividend recipients
4-110 What is a dividend?
4-120 When is a dividend paid?
10-490 Dividends and distributions