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Item 4 - Current postal address

This address will be used for the issuing of any assessments raised from this return and other correspondence.

C/- is the only acceptable format for 'Care of' when lodging electronically.

Refer to Current postal address on the ATO website.

The Fund postal address that defaults to the return takes priority as:

  • (AE Tax only) The client address entered on the Return Properties Mail tab, or

  • (AE/AO) The client postal address as recorded in the Create Client/Contact Wizard and appearing on the client’s Main tab, or

  • (Series 6 & 8) The client’s ABN is entered in the Contacts database and defaults to the return, or

  • The address for the Agent on the Return Properties Staff tab, or

  • The postal address for the Practice on the Control Record Addresses tab.

The default address can be overridden by selecting an address on the Fund Details.

(AE/AO) Use Client address? If this field reads ‘N’, the postal address is being provided from the Practice or Agent details. Select ‘Y’ to replace these details with the postal address recorded on the client’s Main tab (found in Practice Manager for AE).

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