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Item 8 - Status of SMSF

If the SMSF does not meet the definition of Australian super fund at any time during the income year, the SMSF is NOT a complying SMSF and it will not receive the concessional rate of tax.

If you are the trustee of an SMSF and you are planning on going overseas, we suggest that you consider whether your SMSF will still be an Australian super fund.

Label A - Australian Superannuation Fund

For superannuation fund residency rules, refer to Taxation Ruling TR 2008/9 Income tax; meaning of Australian superannuation fund’ in subsection 295-95(2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 available on the ATO website.

If the SMSF does not meet the above definition of Australian superannuation fund throughout the income year, the SMSF will lose its complying SMSF status and it will pay extra tax.

if you are the trustee of an SMSF and you are planning on going overseas, we suggest that you consider the effect that will have on the residency of the SMSF.

Label B - Fund benefit structure

Select from the list the code that best describes the benefit structure of the fund.

Label C - Does the fund trust deed allow acceptance of the Government's Super Co-contribution and Low Income Super Contribution?

Answer the question yes or no.

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