Item A2 - Part-year tax-free threshold 2018 2018
Click this link to open the information on Item A2 on the ATO website.
This item is only to be completed if the taxpayer changed residency either by commencing or ceasing residency during the income year. This information is used to adjust the tax-free threshold on a pro-rata basis.
If the taxpayer's residency changed during the current income year and the only income is from Australian Government sources for Australian Government allowances and payments like Newstart, Youth Allowance and Austudy payments (item 5) or Australian Government pensions and allowances (item 6) then your client might be entitled to a full tax-free threshold and it might not be necessary for item A2 to be completed. Contact the Tax Agent Liaison Office Help Desk at the ATO if you are in doubt.
CCH References
2-130 Reduction of tax-free threshold