PAYG (GDP-Adjusted Instalment Estimate) Worksheet 2018 2018
You can use the What-if GDP-Adjusted Instalment Estimate worksheet (xPG) for calculating PAYGI Instalments tax payable based on GDP-adjusted notional income.
The GDP adjustment method is available to individuals, multi-rate trustees, eligible small business entities as well as companies and certain super funds with $2m or less of instalment income for the previous income year.
Taxpayers can vary their quarterly instalments under s 45-112 of Sch 1 of the TAA if they consider their income is expected to be lower or higher than the amount determined by the Commissioner using the GDP adjustment factor.
Click Maintenance > Rates > GDP Uplift for PAYGITI for the current rate.
Instalments calculated will be defaulted to the Estimate Instalment fields in the Assessment details screen in the taxpayer's Return properties > PAYG/Lodge tab.