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Schedules Allowing Multiples

Where more than one schedule of the same type may be attached to a return, an Index of all the schedules of this type attached to the return is displayed. The Index offers functionality to create or edit multiple schedules from the Index. To delete a schedule from the Index you must select Preparation > Delete Schedules.

Schedules or forms that may occur more than once for each return include:

  • Employment Termination Payment schedules (PY Individuals and pyt Trusts),

  • Superannuation Lump Sum Payment schedules (PL for Individuals and plt for Trusts),

  • Rental Schedules,

  • Business Income Schedules (B and C),

  • Business and Instalment Activity Statements,

  • Beneficiary details in the Statement of distribution of income in a Trust return,

  • Partner details in the Statement of distribution of income/loss in a Partnership return,

  • Trust Beneficiary distribution statements (xT)

  • Partnership distribution statements (xP)

  • Member Details statements (xF) Self-managed Superannuation Funds only.

The index includes a description of the schedule together with its Tax internal system code.

The top entry in the index reads New Schedule. Selection of this entry allows you to add a new schedule. Otherwise, to edit the details of an existing schedule highlight it and click [Enter].

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