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Senior Australian and Pensioner Worksheet (SAPTO) 2018 2018

See Offsets you can claim on the ATO website.

We've provided the Senior Australian and Pensioner (SAPTO) worksheet at item TI to have correct details when calculating and SAPTO offset and transfer of any unused portion of SAPTO from the spouse.

For a correct calculation of SAPTO, It is important to ensure that you enter both your and your spouse's dates of birth.

Click Spouse Details to open the worksheet where the details and income relating to the spouse can be recorded.

We suggest that you complete the spouse's return first using the F10 Fetch spouse details functionality for automatic completion of this worksheet.

To do this click the Spouse details tab and at the Spouse's date of birth field, label K, press F10 or click the ellipsis to open the Select return index. Select by code or Name. See Spouse details for further information.

It is important NOT to enter a code at the spouse's pension code field in the Spouse Details dialog, when the spouse is not in receipt of a pension. MYOB Tax sets the code in Spouse details according to data entered in the Spouse return.


It is important NOT to enter a code at the spouse's pension code field in the Spouse Details (SD) screen, when the spouse is not in receipt of a pension. We calculate that code from details completed in the SD.

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