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Small business entity depreciating assets worksheet (sda)

This worksheet derives values from the Depreciation worksheet (d) and provides a further open field to enter values that are not recorded in the depreciation worksheet.

It is an MYOB Tax worksheet and is not lodged via PLS.

If you are a Small Business Entity (SBE) using the simplified depreciation rules, and have entered depreciating assets in the Depreciation worksheet (d), Tax will calculate the various values for the respective labels and integrate those values to the relevant return labels as shown in the table below. Refer to Completing the Depreciation Worksheet.

Alternatively, you may key previously calculated amounts directly at the labels.

Click [Alt+S] to open the worksheet.


Information labels in main returns

Form C

Form P

Form T

SBE depreciation deduction

Small business entities complete these labels







The sda worksheet is no longer available for an Individual return. The values in P10A or P10B will be calculated based on the pool information entered in the Depreciation worksheet (d).

Deductions for certain assets costing less than $20,000 - Label A: This item shows the business deduction for decline in value for all depreciating assets with a cost of less than $20,000 that were purchased this year, and for which an immediate deduction was claimed.

Deduction for general small business pool - Label B: This item shows the deduction claimed for the decline in value of depreciating assets in the general small business pool.

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