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Address Table Entries

Accountants Enterprise only

The Address table stores all types of addresses that a contact may have including system and user defined addresses. A contact may have any number of stored addresses.

All system generated addresses are indicated by a system required icon. All user defined addresses do not show a system required icon.

When VPM is integrated to your system, the VPM Map routine applies the description Added by System to addresses.

Buttons on the window are:

Properties: Provides detail on an existing name

New: Creates a new name

Delete: Deletes an existing name

Cancel: Exits the window

List: Right click provides access to the List option.

The details entered when creating a new address type are:

Address: A ten alphanumeric character field; enter a code to identify the type of address you are adding.

Description: A sixty alpha character field, enter a precise description for the type of address you are adding. For example, delivery address.

Line length: This determines how many characters long, the address may be. If you are integrating to Tax, that application only records 48 characters for a name.

Multiples: This refers to whether you wish to allocate two or more of this particular type code to a contact. For example, if you wish to enter two or more business addresses to a contact, flag this entry as a multiple by pressing [Y].

You should not use multiples if you wish to use the address type you are adding in letters, as only the first address will print. Therefore if you wish to use the address type you are adding in letters, and multiples apply, you should set up two address types for example, Business 1 and Business 2.

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