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Item D11 - Deductible amount of undeducted purchase price of foreign pensions or annuities

See Item D11 label Y on the ATO website for further information.

Did you receive a foreign pension or annuity which has a deductible amount of undeducted purchase price (UPP)?

If you showed income from a foreign pension or annuity at label D item 20 on your tax return you may be entitled to claim a deduction to reduce the taxable amount of the pension or annuity income if your pension or annuity has a UPP. Only some foreign pensions and annuities have a UPP. The UPP is the amount you contributed towards the purchase price of your pension or annuity (your personal contributions).

Use the Overseas Pensions/Annuities and Salary Income worksheet (ove), at label Y to enter the deductible amount of undeducted purchase price of a foreign pension or annuity.

Both item 20: label D and D11: label Y will be completed when you close the ove worksheet.

Item D11 is not included in the ATO's Distributions schedule (DDCTNS.) Any value entered at the label will be lodged with the return in the normal way.

CCH References

14-510 Annuities and foreign fund pensions

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