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Individual return

See the ATO website for:

Data Entry

Pre-fill functionality is available for individuals. See Getting started with Tax pre-fill for more information.

Return items are grouped by category in a series of tab cards:

To navigate to an item in the individual return
  • Left-click in a field to move focus to that field.

  • Press F2 and type an item number to move to the first field at that item.

  • Press Shift+F2 for a summary of entered items for the current and previous income years.
  • Select an item from the navigation pane.

  • The navigation pane displays the items relevant to the tab card that is open.

  • The Tab key moves forward through the items on the window.

  • To go forward through the tab cards, press Ctrl+Tab

  • To go backward through the tab cards, press Ctrl+Shift+Tab.


For dissection purposes, a generic schedule or a data entry grid is provided at all fields where no tailored worksheet is available.

MYOB worksheets are for dissection and record-keeping purposes. They are not lodged with the ATO. Open these worksheets by clicking the item label or selecting Preparation > Schedule:

Additional PAYG payment summary (egc)egc
Annuities and superannuation income streams worksheet (asi)asi
Annuity and Super Income Stream Offset (pen)pen
Australian Government allowances and payments worksheet (aga)aga
Australian Government Pensions and Allowances worksheet (agp)agp
Bonus Offsetsbon
Capital gains worksheet (g)g
Capital works deductions worksheet (sbw)sbw
Cost of managing tax affairs (cmt)cmt
Distributions from partnerships worksheet (dip)dip
Distributions received from trusts worksheet (dit)dit
Early stage investor offset worksheet (esi)esi
Early stage venture capital limited partnership (ESVCLP)esv
Emergency Payment schedule (eps)eps
Employee Share Schemes worksheet (emp)emp
Farm Management Deposits and Repayments (fmd)fmd
Foreign income worksheet (for)for
Foreign Rental Property Worksheet (ref)ref
Forestry managed investment scheme worksheet (fms)fms
Gifts or Donations worksheet (pgd)pgd
Gross dividends worksheet (div)div
HECS-HELP, SSL, TSL and SFSS worksheet (hec)hec
Intangible/Tangible depreciating assets worksheet (it)it
Interest Income worksheet (int) - Individualsint
Interest on early payments worksheet (epi)epi
Invalid and Invalid Carer Offset Detailsshz
IT3 Tax-free Government pensions worksheet (tgp)tgp
IT4 Target Foreign Income worksheet (tfi)tfi
IT5 Financial investment income and deductions (fil)fil
IT6 Net Rental income and deductions (rpl)rpl
Landcare and water facility tax offset (lcr)lcr
Medicare Levy Surcharge (mls)mls
Medicare Levy Worksheetmlv
Minors worksheet (Schedule U)u
Motor vehicle worksheet (mve)mve
Item T5 - Total net medical expenses for disability aids, attendant care or aged carereb
Other income - Category 1 worksheet (oiy)oiy
Other income - Category 2 worksheet (oix)oix
Other income - Category 3 worksheet (oir)oir
Other income - Category 4 worksheet (oiv)oiv
Other non-refundable tax offsets dialogreb
Other refundable tax offset worksheetsoos
Other Work Related Expenses worksheet (pwe)pwe
Overseas Pensions/Annuities and Salary Income worksheet (ove)ove
P9 Business Loss Activities Schedule (bla)bla
PAYG (GDP-Adjusted Instalment Estimate) WorksheetxPG
PAYG Instalment Income Estimate Worksheet (xPI)xPI
Personal superannuation contributions (psc)psc
Prefill - Tax withheld Lump sum payments in arrears (poi)poi
Prefill - Other Income (Category 3) (pov)pov
Prior year losses worksheet (pyl)pyl
Private health insurance policy details (phi)phi
Schedule A Reconciliationa
Schedule B (business income worksheet)b
Schedule C (primary production worksheet)c
Senior Australian and Pensioner Worksheet (SAPTO)reb
Partnership share of net small business income worksheet (sbp)sbp
Share of net small business income worksheet (sbt)sbt
Small business entity depreciating assets worksheet (sda)sda
Small business entity eligibility tests worksheet (sbe)sbe
Small business income worksheet (sbc)sbc
Small business income - for small business tax offset (sbi)sbi
Special Disability Trusts Offsets worksheetsdt
Spouse Superannuation Contribution Offset Worksheetscc
Super Co-contributions What-ifsco
Superannuation super contribution worksheets (scc)ssc
Working holiday makers net income worksheet (whm)whm
Work-Related Self-Education Expenses Worksheet (sed)sed
Zone or Overseas Forces Offset (shz)shz



PAYG income instalment estimates

When you select F4 a formal estimate of the individual's tax liability for the current and subsequent year is prepared. You can Preview or Print this estimate.

Additionally, you can prepare a PAYG income instalment worksheet by selecting Preparation > Schedule > xPG - PAYGI (instalment estimate) for an audit trail of how we arrived at the result.

If the current year return has been completed you can pre-fill the worksheet with those values. If not lodged or the ATO has not yet issued the first quarterly instalment notice, you can use the values from either of the two immediate prior years. However, you must use the values from most recently lodged of those two prior year returns.

You can also manually key values or alter pre-filled values where that value is editable. This is helpful for calculating What-if scenarios.

You have a choice of two What-if PAYGI Instalment estimates:

Open either of these worksheets from Preparation > Schedule.

The default is to calculate using the current year rates and thresholds. For returns not yet lodged for your client, you can elect to have tax calculated using values from one of the two immediate prior year returns.

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