Reportable Fringe Benefits (RFB) amounts are entered at Item 1 at labels C to G and integrate to the IT1 labels N or W. If there are no RFB amounts entered at item 1, we'll tick the checkbox automatically.
The field to the right of IT1 is an ATO PLS field only. It does not appear on the ATO’s pre-printed form but is the sum of labels N and W.
Label N and W - Employers not exempt / exempt from FBT
If the taxpayer has received reportable fringe benefits of $3,773 or more, the amount must be shown at one or the other or both of these labels.
Do not enter amounts less than $3,773 as the amount entered here is used in the calculation of the taxpayer's Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI). A Warning message will be generated on F3 validation if the amount entered is less than $3,773.
When a Reportable Fringe Benefits amount is entered in the return, it is immediately stored in the Medicare Levy Surcharge worksheet (mls) Income test dialog.
If a change is required to the amount at labels N or W, click the required label to be returned to item 1.
Items IT1 to IT8 must have a value, even if zero. MYOB Tax will check IT5 and IT6 where income entered at various labels in the return have pre-filled the worksheets. For other items if there is no amount to be disclosed at these items, you must tick the checkbox for MYOB Tax to default a zero at those fields. F3 validation message V2721 will be generated if this has not been done.
To indicate a zero amount at labels N and W, select the checkbox.
CCH References
35-055 Reporting of benefits on payment summaries
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