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Item P17 - Termination value of intangible depreciating assets

See Item P17 - Termination value of intangible depreciating assets on the ATO website. You may need to expand the list in the left-hand panel and scroll to P17.

Small Business Entities using the simplified depreciation rules - do NOT complete this item.

Label D - Termination value of intangible depreciating assets

Click label D to open the worksheet (it) which provides access to the Depreciation worksheet. See Intangible/Tangible depreciating assets worksheet (it).

The Depreciation worksheet (d) will integrate the termination value of the assets where the type selected is Intangible, the disposal date is in the current tax year and integration is selected. Refer to Depreciation worksheet (d).

CCH References

17-015 Depreciating assets

17-640 Termination value of depreciating assets 

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