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Item P6 - Business address of main business

See Item P6 Business address of main business on the ATO website.

Up to two lines of 38 characters can be entered for street name and number. Suburb or town must be entered on a separate line and cannot exceed 27 characters.

Show the actual street address (or farm name). This address should be the place where most of the business decisions are made. The state and postcode must be entered in the fields provided on the last line of the address.

If the business address is present, the business name and business income must also be present.

This business address cannot be an overseas address.

If a green padlock can be seen next to the business address, the address is being supplied by the client details noted on the address tab in client details.

You can change the address with a green padlock in 2 ways.

To change from within the tax return

If you edit the address using this method, it will not change the address in client details in AE/AO

  1. Click on the first line of the address where you see the green padlock and click located in the right hand side top corner of the tax return

  2. Click

    located on the top right hand side toolbar of the tax return.
    This will delete the locked address.

  3. Enter the relevant address in the P6 field.
To change the address in AE/AO
  1. Close the tax return & open the client details in AE/AO

  2. In Addresses tab click to edit the address

  3. Make changes to the address and click Save and close.

  4. Open the tax return and you will see the new address at P6.
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