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Item T5 - Total net medical expenses for disability aids, attendant care or aged care

See Item T5 label X on the ATO website for further information.

You can only claim this offset if you had expenses that relate to disability aids, attendant care or aged care. Tax 2019: Tables, Rates and Thresholds

This is the final year this offset can be claimed. Legislation passed in 2014 abolishes this offset from 1 July 2019.
To complete the NMETO grid

The Net Medical Expenses Tax Offset (NMETO) is an off-return offset that will be calculated by both the ATO and MYOB Tax. It will be included in your Notice of Assessment (NoA) provided by the ATO and detailed in the F4 Taxation and Detailed estimates provided in MYOB Tax.

This offset can only be claimed in the current year for your disability aids, attendant care or aged care expenses where:

  • Disability aids are items of property manufactured as, or generally recognised to be, an aid to the functional capacity of a person with a disability.
  • Attendant care are expenses relate to care and services provided to a person with certain disabilities to assist with everyday living. For example, the provision of personal assistance, home nursing, home maintenance, and domestic services to a person who is blind or permanently confined to bed or a wheelchair.

  • Aged care expenses are services and accommodation provided by an approved aged care provider to a person who is a care recipient or continuing care recipient within the meaning of the Aged Care Act 1997.

This tax offset is income tested. The percentage of net expenses you can claim is determined by your Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI) and family status.

How much can I claim?
Family StatusATI ThresholdWhat you can claim
(single at 30 June of current income year and no dependent children)
$90,000 or less20% of net medical expenses over $2,377
above $90,00010% of net medical expenses over $5,609
(with spouse at at 30 June of current income year, or dependent child/children at any time during the year, or both)
$180,000 or less (plus $1,500 for each dependent child after the first)20% of net medical expenses over $2,377
above $180,000 (plus $1,500 for each dependent child after the first)10% of net medical expenses over $5,609

CCH References

15-320 Payments for medical expenses

15-325 Eligible medical expenses for offset

15-327 Eligible dependents for medical expenses offset

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