Lodgment Tracking
To open Lodgment Tracking select it from the Tax button menu. For details on how to use Lodgment Tracking refer to Features in Practice Manager / AO for Tax .
The Lodgment Tracking graph shows the number of lodged returns (red) versus the number unlodged (due for lodgment, green) per month for the selected year.

Drill down to the tax returns (lodged or due) for a single month:
point at a colour to see the total number of returns making that segment.
click on a colour to open a grid of the returns making that segment.
From the right click menu select Copy graph to put the graph into the clipboard. Then paste into an email, into document or presentation.
The filtering options are available from the right click menu. For example to restrict the graphical statistics to include:
you as an employee for the current year — open the right click menu on the graph and select Employee and Current Year.
you as a partner for the prior year — open the right click menu on the graph and select Partner and Prior Year.
the practice for the current year — open the right click menu on the graph and select Practice and Current Year.